Stay Financially Focused

LIQUIDITY                                HARD ASSETS


Never to be Squandered

10 Steps Towards Improving Your Financial Situation

  1. Stable and Steady Legitimized Income
  2. Debt-to-Income Management
  3. Make Sound Investments
  4. Recordkeep where your Income is going
  5. Understand the Time Value of Money (today vs. tomorrow)
  6. Customize the Rules and Habits of Successful Individuals to fit your situation (financially and otherwise) 
  7. Be Productive Daily, waste no time
  8. Avoid Wastefulness and Squandering
  9. Improve upon Bad Habits and Failure
  10. Work Together Collectively by networking and sharing information. 

True Wealth is firmly based on;

  • Good Health
  • Prosperity
  • Successful Outlook 
  • Longevity in Positive Activities 
  • Strong Beliefs and Convictions

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Keep track of all your finances


Financial planning should begin with developing short and/or long term goals and objectives based on what those goals and objectives are and many times one's age.

In most cases, it may require good financial advice and consultation from a professional source. It should never  be considered a privilege for a certain economic group. We do not have  to be of a particular status to engage the help of a professional, especially since 'every penny counts.'

It is nearly the equivalent of having a good physician to monitor your health. Since financial difficulties often affect our health and well-being. Acquiring financial literacy helps us to plan on what to do and when not to do certain things with our hard earned income.

One of the keys of changing your economic status is based on growing wealth. Having liquidity does not always equate to having wealth. The annual spending among African Americans in 2015 was approximately $1.1 Trillion Dollars. This equates to an enormous amount of buying power, but not necessarily growing wealth.

In 2015, the U.S. census bureau estimated the African American population in the range of 44 million in the United States. This makes up approximately 14.4% of the total population. The median age ranges around 32 years old. We are the second largest racial and ethnic minority in the country while having the highest poverty rate.

The median age factor represents a growing and vital part of the overall population of which must develop more improved methods on spending and saving. Learning the value of money is something taught, opposed to being acquired on one's own, most often. 

Economically, there exists a strong and robust economic force which awaits to reach its potential. Our annual spending, far out pace many third world nations.

The increasingly  downside is that in business terms, it is the failure to grow wealth collectively. Most is contributed to consumer spending which leaves the average African American community almost instantly. 

African-American businesses  are  predominantly sole- proprietorships with less than 5 employees which suggests that there is a need for more mid to larger sized businesses on a more competitive-scale. 

Control of personal finance is in fact the prerequisite for financial stability and wealth building in a free market and global  economy. It is the start of which compounds upon each successful individual or family who finds their way into financial freedom.   


Hold the financial key to your future


The Wealth Disparity increases as the Rich gets richer while the Poor often remains stagnated. The right opportunities must become available and taken advantage of in a timely-fashion in order to make progress.

Diversification of a Sound Portfolio

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Be willing to do Research into finding legitimized Business Opportunities

Grow your wealth by starting small where it applies.  The acquisition will become based in a number of factors, foremost among those is securing your finances from excessiveness, stay balanced.

"Every man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries, conveniences, and amusements of human life....."  The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

Financial institutions have certain functions and services in securing our savings. However, we gain very little if any true financial gain on interest in a conventional bank account. Sound investments is one of the major components in out pacing the rate of inflation.

Maintain a balanced budget

            Anywhere, USA

Taken from the Atlantic Magazine

The best  use of financial literacy will quite often requires with the assistance of a   reputable financial advisor and/or the use of an investment banking firm or institution.  Obtaining true wealth normally  takes long range strategic planning, it very rarely happens overnight.

The diversification of both liquid and hard assets builds stability with proper financial planning. The time value of money is a fundamental principle of finance.

A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow because a dollar today can be invested to earn a greater return on an investment (ROI) for the future.


Financial Literacy is the ability to understand how money works in the world. How someone manages to earn or make it, how that person manages it, how he/she invests it and how that person donates it to help others.

More specifically, it refers to the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their resources.

  Personal Finance

Our personal finances begins with establishing a strong financial plan to obtain a stable and steady income, fueled by a goal-orientated career with proper management of our active and passive cash flows.

Maintaining control over personal finances starts by properly managing debt-to-income ratios, meaning that cash or credit spending should never exceed more than we earn.

Our annual income is challenged by all sorts of expenditures. On average 33% of a normal working- class household's  annual income is used either renting or owning a home. Factoring the cost-of-living according to one's family-size leaves less than 5% for savings or investments.   Building a sound financial portfolio is therefore no easy task, whether for one's retirement or otherwise.  However, it must  become a part of a holy grail.

By definition; personal finance is the financial management which an individual or family unit performs to budget, save, and spend monetary resources over time, taking into account various financial risks and future life events. When planning personal finances, the individual would consider the suitability to his or her needs of a range of banking products  (checking, savings accounts, credit cards, and consumer loans) or investment private equity, (stock market, bonds, mutual funds) and insurance (life insurance, health insurance, disability insurance).  Products or participation and monitoring of individual or employer-sponsored retirement plans, social security benefits, and income tax management.